Olivia sometimes parties a little too hard.
Promo pic for the latest update of Book of Lust.

Olivia sometimes parties a little too hard.
Promo pic for the latest update of Book of Lust.
Download it over on my Website!
Hey, guys! Just Lined and Colored another bundle of scenes.
This time I’ts Caroline/Jake’s one-piece suit sex scene. Also, the first image of the bodyswap between the two of them since it’s probably going to be worked into a generic swap scene later on.
There’s also some slight mechanic changes. On a bodyswap, the min/max values of other characters should reflect their relationship with the body currently swapped to. For instance, if playing as Mel; Cassandra will have more Inf/Love than others. This should also make early game a bit easier.
Having the succubus possess anyone will set their lust to 100.
Aside from that, there’s some bug fixes, including one that causing a bunch of blurring on “Fullscreen” resolution.
Caroline Shows Julia her new ‘toy’.
Hey, guys! Got a graphical update this time around.
Jake’s Dream when Caroline casts it on him is fully lined and colored as well as the Aspect of Dominance and Mia hunting scene. I also lined and colored Valerie’s image when Jake casts body swap on her.
Also, I added hotkeys to Akasha’s Realm.
It’s more Lines and Color for Caroline’s scenes. This time it’s the vanilla bodyswap sex scene with Caroline. There’s also the “Family Photo” scene lined and colored.
I also tried introducing some hotkeys for basic UI navigation and travelling from area to area. I might need some help testing them since there’s kind of a lot. I didn’t add hotkeys to Saving/Loading/Dialogue Options in-game in case of accidental pushes.
Talk – 1
Action – 2
Travel – 3
View – 4
Spell – Q
Sex – W
Character Stats – S
Spell Book – R
Hey, guys! So I finally reworked the Aspects of Dominance and Lust. I might do a little more tinkering with it in the future.
Anyways, instead of always hunting Mia. There’s now a new Follower interface in the talk menu for them as well as the ability to choose who they hunt. Instead of disappearing for the day, you’ll be able to find them in the target’s house. You should be able to talk to them and recall them back to your bedroom or send them out for a new target. After waiting overnight, they should hunt their target as long as it isn’t you or your succubus. They absorb into Jake as normal when they return.
Aside from that, there’s Valerie scenes with the aspects. There’s also the generic “they fucked” placeholders for the unavailable characters.
Forgot to Upload this one here.
Mia invites Jake over for some night swimming.
Hey, guys! Got a fairly big update. I probably trying tacking on way too much in this version.
Anyways, some of the new things that were added was the School Lounge. It’s where Julia and Valerie would normally disappear to during one of their time slots.
There’s a new addon to the optional Wayward ones quest that kicks off if you cast dreamwalk seven times by the time or after Caroline casts dreamwalk on you.
There’s a new sex scene with Caroline when playing as Julia (after Chapter 1 is completed).
Soul Passenger is now available for Julia. It’s got written and sketched out scenes. This is where majority of the time went. I tried restructuring some things since I wasn’t happy with how the old soul passengers went. I might have to tinker with it a little more.
Generic placeholders for Valerie/Mel/Jake/Donovan/Mia Soul Passenger scenarios should be functional. They don’t necessarily have any in depth text or coincide with the scheduling system, yet, but they adjust stats accordingly.
Finally, Casting dreamwalk on Jake should play the dreamwalk scenario of whoever is currently in his body.