A possessed Valerie takes a mate for herself.

Hey, guys! So I finally reworked the Aspects of Dominance and Lust. I might do a little more tinkering with it in the future.
Anyways, instead of always hunting Mia. There’s now a new Follower interface in the talk menu for them as well as the ability to choose who they hunt. Instead of disappearing for the day, you’ll be able to find them in the target’s house. You should be able to talk to them and recall them back to your bedroom or send them out for a new target. After waiting overnight, they should hunt their target as long as it isn’t you or your succubus. They absorb into Jake as normal when they return.
Aside from that, there’s Valerie scenes with the aspects. There’s also the generic “they fucked” placeholders for the unavailable characters.